The Meg Film Review
What Katy RevIewed Next A scientific expedition to the Marianas Trench ends in disaster and a rescue mission unleashes a beast that's thought to have been extinct for millions of years. The Megalodon goes on the rampage and it's up to a motley crew of scientists to stop everyone on the coast of Asia being eaten.
The Meg

The Meg

The Meg
Overview: A scientific expedition to the Marianas Trench ends in disaster and a rescue mission unleashes a beast that's thought to have been extinct for millions of years. The Megalodon goes on the rampage and it's up to a motley crew of scientists to stop everyone on the coast of Asia being eaten.
Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
UK Release Date: 10-08-2018
Studio: Apelles Entertainment
Director:  Jon Turteltaub
Top-Billed Cast: Jason Statham Ruby Rose Bingbing Li
Running Time: 1hr 53 mins
UK Classification:
Classified 12A12A
Katy's Score:
61106  (Translation: Fair)
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Before I start this review I have to hold my hand up and say I love movies like this – in fact, the cheesier the better!

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The Meg is based on the book of the same name by Steve Altern but the film’s storyline differs greatly from the book (I do recommend the book, it’s a quick and easy read – perfect for the beach!).

The basic plot line is that a research submarine enters a “hidden” section of the Marianas Trench, it has an accident which leads Jonas Taylor (Jason Statham) to head up a rescue mission. When they’re returning to the surface they unwittingly allow a Megalodon (think Jaws on steroids) to escape and wreak havoc on the unsuspecting local population.

If you’re expecting slow tension building with jump-inducing scares as you’d find in Jaws then you’ll be disappointed. The Meg is a fast-paced action movie which, surprisingly, spends welcome time on character development but doesn’t have the leg-floating shocks of Jaws.

It’s a decent film with an interesting twist half-way through and I’m glad I saw in on the big screen so I could get the full scale of the Megalodons size, however for a shark film you don’t see as much of the creature as I would have liked.

It’s definitely worth a watch – and try to see it on a big screen if you can.

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